
I am Erin,

My posts are about the projects, floral styling, and photo images that I take the time to make.  I might even voice my thoughts, from a hindsight perspective, ..to share the experiences that I learn as I make my progress in growing-old.

I intend to use this site as a platform to display the Creative facet of myself, the words and things – from me, by passion.

Blogging is a way we can share our personal thoughts and experiences with the world. As it is, when adding our blogging contents to the virtual space, we never really know when or who out there.. might find our shares to be inspiring, entertaining, ..or even a companionship to someone, in lonesome moments. The way that I see it, everyone has something to teach and something to learn. Hence, every perspective is worth sharing!

Drop me a line, I would love to hear from you. Just remember to be gentle with your words, this is all a learning process for everyone

chocolate bowl

20 thoughts on “Hello!!

    1. Thanks Tom, that is a huge compliment. I didn’t attempt such ambition but I do enjoy a classic musical session from time to time. I have a great time seeing new places through your photographs!

    1. Wow!! I am stoked and blown away Sue Ann. I am happy to receive your nomination. I have some things to clear on my watch than I’ll jump on the link right away!! 🙂

  1. Wonderful blog. It is a visual feast of unending source of inspiration. So much talent and creativity. A day in your life , just full of colors and fun surprises.

    1. I am fascinated by the endless inspirations that I get to see on some of my days. Your blog is one, it takes me to the beautiful grounds you and your family cover. Thank you for stopping by Island Traveler!

  2. You have a lovely site. the projects you share is appreciated. and I like the new design 🙂 Thank you so much for taking time to visit my site and appreciate your feedback ! have a wonderful weekend ☮

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